Student guidance

Different forms and levels of support and guidance are provided, designed to ensure appropriate support for students experiencing challenges, difficulties and having special educational needs at any point in their school career, to allow them to develop to their full potential.

Learning to learn

During the individual and group sessions of learning to learn, students gain insight in the study process and their study capacities. Students work on improving their study attitude, study methods and overall planning skills.

In the lower years of secondary the learning to learn activities are for all pupils presented by the class teacher. In the higher years the trainings are more tailor made to the needs of small groups of pupils and coached by support teachers.  

Challenge project

The Challenge project is an enrichment programme developed for students who need extra challenges. During some regular lessons, students work independently on a project and subject of their choice. The condition is that the subject is not part of the European School curriculum.

It is the student's responsibility to keep track of the material covered by the missed regular lessons. The coordination of the project is carried out with the teacher, parents, pupil and accompanying teacher.

The aim of the Challenge project is to motivate students and strengthen their study skills.

Student exchange

Year 4 and 5 students can temporarily attend a school in a different country. This gives them the opportunity to improve their language skills and to mature through experiencing a different educational and cultural environment.

Read more

Educational & intensive support

The team of educational advisors are the first line of assistance students for their day-to-day questions and issues.

In consultation with teachers and parents, the educational support coordinator makes sure students receive educational support if necessary. At any age, pupils arriving at school with insufficient knowledge of an essential language receive short-term tuition to enable them to catch up with their peers.

For students with special educational needs requiring individualised provision of teaching and/or special equipment, appropriate arrangements may be made. In some cases, this can entail the drawing up of a special agreement, signed by the parents and the school, setting out detailed arrangements for the student’s integration and education.

Here you can find the educational support policy.

Student well-being

The class teacher takes responsibility for following up on their students. Especially students who are new in the school or are identified as vulnerable or having problems and needing close guidance and monitoring. The class teachers in year 1-2-3 of secondary meet with the class group every week. They work on key competences, the Kiva program, learning to learn and plan seasonal activities for their pupils. In the higher years of secondary the class teachers plan individual meetings with pupils or in smaller groups to support them with the challenges they encounter.

The school psychologist and the school counsellor are available to students who need individual assistance or guidance related to personal, emotional, relationship or any other problems they may face which may create psychological concerns. They also provide psycho-education on stress-management, failure anxiety, ….   

The class teachers, the school psychologist and counsellor, the school nurse, the educational advisors and the deputy director secondary together make up the care team. This multi-disciplinary team coordinates the follow up of support needs within the school and in liaison with external assistance partners. 


We are KiVa

KiVa is a school-based antibullying programme, designed to combat bullying and promote its prevention. The programme includes lessons and activities for students, which focus mainly on what bullying is and on how we can prevent bullying. In addition, there intervention is organised, when bullying has occurred.

More info:

Download our KiVa school flyer

Career guidance

Career guidance is an essential part of education, particularly so in the European Schools, given the complexity of the choices available and the fact that a significant number of students are not educated in their country of origin. European School students have considerable educational mobility. Students and their families need advice and support when making subject choices in Years 3 and 5, and Years 6 and 7 students need to receive accurate and up-to-date information about higher education opportunities.

Students of Year 5 get the opportunity to work in a company or organisation for a week. This experience aims to provide them with an early and valuable insight before deciding on future studies or careers.

Interested in our school? Now is your chance to book a visit!

10.00 - 13.00, Saturday 15 February 2025

School tours in English, Dutch and French.

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